Intro to Creative Writing & its Techniques

Once upon a time you were browsing the internet and accidentally this marketing campaign on Facebook captured your attention; keeping up with it suddenly became your main concern; the product it promoted turned into a passion you were eager to possess!

Do you remember such a blog post that took your breath away? You were so impressed that you spent the whole day going through the rest of the blog, which later became your favorite.

How about this movie?! You were so touched by the actors’ conversation that you shed tears, real tears reflecting sadness deep down. You related to the words they uttered, only to leave you shattered.

Recently, you read this job opening with such a fascinating, flowery description. It was really unique to the extent that you dearly desired to work for that company and even quit your current job!

Mulling over the above mentioned situations, you’ll notice that they all share one thing: words! The power of words can be sensed easily when written creatively. That is why, creative writing exists.

Check out the short Slideshare presentation below and get introduced to the art of creative writing and some of its techniques ..


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